Science and technology education (S&T education) stimulates a curious, inquisitive and problem-solving view in children. By addressing Researching and Designing Learning they develop 21 e century skills such as critical thinking, initiative, ingenuity and creativity. Skills that are important for the labor market of tomorrow, for those professions that we do not yet know what they will look like.
To start early
Engineering and technology are becoming an increasingly important part of society. Every year, tens of thousands of technical jobs are created in some countries and the demand is only increasing. All hands on deck, therefore, to interest as many young people as possible in a technical career. To achieve that, you cannot introduce children to science and technology early enough. Research shows that students who come into contact with technology in an enthusiastic way at a young age are more likely to choose a study in that direction later.
Talent development
The more you stimulate those talents, the greater the chance that they will surface and develop. S&T education is ideally suited to make an important contribution to talent development. It invites them to investigate and come up with creative solutions.
Click here to know more how you can motivate your child to learn because every child has talents .
Inquiring & Learning by Design
S&T education based on Inquiry & Design Learning is in line with the perception of children. Experimenting with children teaches them a lot. Inquiring Learning responds to their natural tendency to explore and find out how the world works. When a piece of wood floats, what causes it to do so? Is soda bad for your teeth? How does a forklift work? With Design Learning, the emphasis is on coming up with a solution or product. Can you make drinking water from seawater? How do you fold an airplane that floats for as long as possible? When children consider these kinds of questions, they learn a lot. Not only about the subject, they also learn to work together, to think independently and critically, to come up with and present creative solutions.
Mastering Inquiry & Design Learning
- You can read more about the principles of R&D learning in the folder ‘Investigative & Design Learning is the future’ .
- The workshop ‘Investigative & Design Learning for school leaders ‘ gives administrators and directors insight into what is involved in the implementation of Investigative & Design Learning in the educational offer at primary school.
Contributing to core goals
S&T education according to the principles of Research & Design Learning makes a concrete contribution to the following core objectives:
- Students learn to research materials and physical phenomena, such as light, sound, electricity, force, magnetism and temperature.
- Students learn to make connections between the effect, the form and the use of materials in products from their own environment.
- Students learn to design, implement and evaluate solutions to technical problems.
Some professional approach is in line with the Technology Pact. In this project, government, education and business have jointly taken up the task of improving S&T education and increasing the appeal of the technical sectors .