Does your child hate learning? Does the mere thought of school, homework, and homework disgust him? This is the road to nowhere. It is difficult to achieve good results without a love of knowledge and a desire to develop. What should parents do in such a situation?
Raise interest in the topics you study
Cramming dry theory and solving problems is a rather boring task. But there are many great ways to diversify your studies. For example, you can show your child how the knowledge gained comes in handy in real life. Invite a junior student to pay at the checkout and calculate the change on their own – this will require mathematics. Write a letter to your grandmother or an article in the school newspaper. Plant flowers on the balcony – botany to help!
Historical reconstructions, museums, entertaining physical and chemical experiments, theatrical performances based on literary works, lectures in the planetarium – all this is at your disposal. Another way to interest a child in learning is educational books and colorful encyclopedias . The material in them is presented much more exciting than in school textbooks, and some facts will surprise even adults!
Set long-term goals
What does your child dream of becoming? Maybe he loves and wants to work with animals? Explain that in this case he needs to get a handle on biology, chemistry, natural science. Or is he planning to connect his life with international journalism?
The ultimate goal – to get a favorite profession – in itself will motivate the child to do more diligently. After all, study is not just grades in a diary. This is an important step towards realizing your dreams. Later, the knowledge gained at school will help to continue education and make a career in the chosen field.
Harness the potential of board games
Board games are not only fun but also rewarding. With their help, you can train skills that will come in handy at school, and unobtrusively instill in your child a love of learning. Besides, almost every board game is a reason to tell something new. Even if you just explain to a child an incomprehensible word while playing Scrabble, then you will already replenish his piggy bank of knowledge about the world.
Be kind
While studying with a student, remain calm and positive, speak in a neutral tone. Do not transfer negative experiences to the child, create a positive attitude towards learning. It is very important to help children stay motivated by using feedback. It is best to combine praise with constructive criticism.
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