Cleaning agents often have a long list of ingredients that are not always necessary. People like to use the good, old home remedies: vinegar, soda, curd soap, baking soda and citric acid get on the dirt. However, Science laboratory experts warn that not every home remedy is really suitable.

They should quickly loosen limescale and stubborn dirt, make surfaces shine and remove every stain from the laundry: Ready-made detergents and cleaning agents promise a lot.

Do not underestimate the risk of cleaning home remedies

Old home remedies sound like a tempting alternative – and somehow familiar. Vinegar, baking soda and citric acid are even used as food, so they can give the impression of being a safe alternative to conventional cleaning agents.

But be careful: The Body Care and Detergent Association warns that some substances also occur in nature. For use in cleaning agents, however, they are usually made from other substances.

And: cleaning agents are subject to chemicals law and may have to be labeled with warning and safety instructions for use. Anyone who uses the pure substances in retail may not receive this information – and may underestimate the risks of use.

Vinegar essence is not a miracle cure
It often depends on the dosage and the field of application, whether the alternative is really good or even causes damage. Good old vinegar is an example of this.

“It is best to leave vinegar in the kitchen,” advised by the Consumer Initiative. A mixture with water disinfects the inside of the refrigerator after cleaning to avoid bacteria and germs.

For the toilet, on the other hand, it is better to use a strong vinegar cleaner, which is even better than a means with citric acid. “They don’t stick and until you’ve got something clean, the mucous membranes are seriously irritated,” said by the consumer.

Citric acid against limescale deposits
The Consumer also recommends using citric acid for limescale deposits in kettles and fittings. It is “here actually a good, gentle and food-safe means”. In contrast, the usual kitchen lemon juice concentrate is usually not strong enough.

Baking soda can promote mold
You also have to weigh up the location of the soda (sodium hydrogen carbonate, NaHCO3). It is considered a classic fat remover. Since it is a component of baking powder, the baking ingredient is also often recommended as a cleaning agent. But from the perspective of the IKW, the release agents contained in flour or starch have exactly the opposite effect: the acids cancel out the cleaning effect.

A general overview of cleaning solvents and techniques.

Do not mix detergents and household remedies

“We don’t have to do everything in the time of our grandma. A little comfort and convenience is allowed, “It was said by the specialist. However, the expert strongly advises against adding home remedies to purchased cleaners. “Each remedy should be used on its own.”

The use of any household cleaner is not good for our health. Make it a habit for you to read the labels on the package. You can also call a house cleaner like ‘ شركة نظافة بالبخار بجدة ‘ at your service to clean your home in a safest way.